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Our Vision & Mission Statement


The vision and mission of Restoration City Church is to create an atmosphere where people can come from all backgrounds and walks of life and join together as a community to worship Jesus Christ. 

Our aim is to build strong families that build strong communities by creating a culture of raising, repairing, restoring and releasing people to fulfil the call of God on there lives.


Our Vision: – Why We Exist


To Worship God in Spirit and in truth as a lifestyle, by loving Him unconditionally with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. (Mark 12:30)

To engage in Prayer and Spiritual Warfare in order to strategically dismantle the plans of Satan over our city, and to see the advancement of the Kingdom of God established. (Matthew 16:19)

To reinforce ‘Practical Christian Living’, through the preaching and teaching of the Word of God by bringing a present day Gospel to a present day generation. To inspire people to practice and apply the Word of God, so that God can Effective be the source and power in their lives. To educate the members and help them to practice and understand the principles and disciplines of the Scripture. (Psalms 37:23)

Our Aim: – What We Intend To Do


To unite with the Body of Christ to bring reconciliation across the ethnic, cultural and racial lines, by demonstrating Gods’ love and power that we have received by the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 12:12-20)

To help meet the physical, spiritual and emotional needs within the Community by bringing them into fellowship with Christ and His Church. (Acts 2:42-47)

To help resource the community through the gifts, talents and abilities of its members under the direction of the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 12:7-11)


Pastor Delroy Smith serves as the Senior Pastor and Apostle for Restoration City Church, a vibrant spiritual community based in Croydon. With a heart dedicated to the service of God and the empowerment of his congregation, Pastor Delroy has been a guiding force for Restoration City Church.


Pastor Delroy graduated in Pastoral Theology obtained from Spurgeon’s Bible College, London, and was ordained as Pastor on 28th May 2000. He has lecturer on Christology, Preaching Skills, Spiritual Warfare and Christian Leadership at the Ruach Ministries Bible Institute as well as other churches both local and international.


Pastor Delroy is a devoted family man and a proud father to two children, Minister Iriel and Chara. His joy has multiplied as he embraces the role of a loving grandfather to Baby Tehillah.


The journey of Pastor Delroy has been marked by both triumph and challenges. In 2021, he experienced the profound loss of his beloved wife and Co-Pastor, Caroline. However, through faith and resilience, God has brought healing and happiness back into his life. In November of 2023, Pastor Delroy entered into a blessed union with First Lady Carmen Jones, a testament to God's faithfulness in restoring joy and the two are enjoying their married life together.


Pastor Delroy's impact on the church community transcends geographical boundaries. God has used him mightily in the arena of music ministry, preaching, and teaching, reaching hearts across Europe, Africa, America, and Jamaica. Through his motivational and inspirational ministry, many souls have found their way to Christ, experiencing the transformative power of God's love.


As a servant of God, Pastor Delroy Smith continues to be a beacon of light, illuminating the path of faith for those around him. His dedication to spreading the Gospel and building a community of believers is evident in the lives touched and transformed under his leadership.


Pastor Delroy Smith

Our values are more than what we say; they are what we demonstrate.

These are the values that we are committed to and are not willing to compromise on:

1.Loving God Unconditionally 

Expressed through our worship

2.Being Compassionate 

By offering healing and restoration


Loving and Accepting People of all Races


By reaching the lost and offering them Salvation

5.Providing Discipleship

by teaching and preaching the Word of God


Giving of our time, talents, tithe and offering

7.Supporting our Families 

By empower them emotionally and spiritually

8.Serving with Excellence 

Serving to the glory of God

7 Aberdeen Road, Croydon CR0 1EQ


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